Connect Psp To Mac To Download Games

Connect Psp To Mac To Download Games

Mar 29, 2019 How to Connect Your PSP to Your Computer. Do you want to connect your PlayStation Portable (PSP) to your computer, but you're not sure how? By following a few easy steps, you'll be able to move photos, music, and games from your computer.

  1. Get a Memory Stickfor your PSP:
    Before you can load any data onto your Sony PSP, you must have a memorystick to store the files onto. The PSP comes with a tiny 32MB cardthat is only big enough to store a relatively small amount of files. Ifyou plan on watching video clips and installing lots of games on your PSP,you will need to purchase a larger MemoryStick Pro Duo card. These cardscome in several different sizes. Exact sizes vary depending on compressionrates and quality, but on average, you will need about 5MB for every 1minute of video. Before you can use a brand new Memory Stick with yourPSP, you need to reformat it. If you don't know how to do this, here'sa quick tutorial on howto format a PSP Memory Stick.
  2. Download the gameto your computer:
    As I mentioned above, we will be using the game SmashGpsp for thepurposes of this tutorial. The game can be downloaded from mATkEUpON'swebsite. He's the author of the game.

    SmashGpsp download options:

  3. On the pages linked to above, you will find severalversions of SmashGpsp available for download. It's importantyou download the right version foryour PSP. Here's some tips:
Connect Psp To Mac To Download Games

Download Psp Games To Pc

    • Downloada file that will work with the current version ofFirmware installed on your PSP. If you never upgradedthe Firmware on your PSP, then you may have version1.0 installed and will need to download a 1.0 Firmwareversion of the game (i.e..[1.0 PSPs]). The 02b isthe build version of the game, not the Firmwareversion! To figure out what version of Firmwareis installed on your PSP, please readthe Firmware tutorial on this page.
    • You probablywant to download the newest version of the game.However this will depend on what version of Firmwareis installed on your PSP. At the time this tutorialwas written, the latest version of SmashGpsp was0.2b and was available for PSPs with Firmware version1.0 and 1.5 only. A newer version of the game andFirmware may be available as you are reading this,but with each Firmware upgrade Sony has tried toblock people from using homebrew games. Most homebrewPSP games work with Firmware 1.5 and under only. Wewill say this one more time, most homebrewPSP games work with Firmware1.5 and under only.If you get an error that says something like 'Thedata is corrupted' or 'The game could notbe started' thenthe Firmware version on your PSP is not compatiblewith the homebrew game. Please check forthe latest version of SmashGpsp that may be compatiblewith your PSP's current Firmware version.
    • Makesure the file you download ends with 'psp' ( is because the author has ported this gameto several different platforms. Only a versionwith 'psp' inthe title will be compatible with your Sony PSP.
      If for some reasonmATkEUpON's website goes down, please letus know.
      NERDNOTE: Every timeyou upgrade the firmwareon your PSP, you may needto download a newer versionof this game.

  1. Uncompressthe file:
    The game will be compressed into a ZIP file archive. Most computers come witha compression utility like StuffitExpander (Mac) or Winzip(PC) and will automatically'unzip' this file. Once you uncompress this file, you should findtwo folders called 'SmashGpsp' and 'SmashGpsp%' aswell as a read me file from the author.
  2. Connectthe PSP to your computer:
    If you haven't already, you need to connect the PSP to your computerwith the USB cable that it came with. You will then need to put thePSP into USB mode. Press the HOME button located on the bottom leftof your PSP and then scroll left to the SETTINGS column. Scroll downto USB CONNECTION and press X.The Memory Stick inside your PSP will now mount or connect with yourcomputer.
  3. Copythe game onto your PSP:
    In order to play this game on your PSP, you must copy it into the properfolder.
    The correct file path is PSP > GAME . If you placethe game files anywhere else on the Memory Stick, it will not functionproperly.
    If the 'PSP' and 'GAME' folders don't already existon your PSP's Memory Stick, then you need to make two new folders andname them in ALL CAPS. Just a reminder, the GAME folder goes inside thePSP folder.
    If you take a look at the image to the right, you will see where on yourMemory Stick you need to copy the two folders called 'SmashGpsp' and 'SmashGpsp%'.

  4. Play the gameon your PSP:
    Once the game has finished coping onto your, you can then disconnect the PSP from your computer. From the main menu,scroll over to the GAME column on yourand then down to the Memory Stick option.
    Press X, and a list of game files will be displayed. Scroll DOWN andyou should see the game you just installed.
    Press X toplay it. Enjoy!
  5. Pick you characters
    To pick between all 24 characters, you should do the following:
    • Open up SmashGpsp.
    • Choose your game type.
    • Once you are in the character screen,dont touch any of the tokens. First, you should go to the secondpage, look at the guys, and find out where they are located onthe 2x6 board. This way you will know where to put your iconand won't have to guess until you happen to fall on the rightone.
    • Now that you know their locations, go back to the firstscreen and choose the people off that page that you need. Now,go to the bottom half and put the tokens in your invisible squares.Dont worry if you choose wrongly, even though you can't see yourtoken, you can still pick it up again.
    • Start your fightand have a blast playing the 18 custom levels.
  • Troubleshooting:
    If you get a corrupted data error, chances are you downloaded a versionof the game that's not compatible with the current version of Firmwareinstalled on your PSP. To figure out what version of Firmware is installedon your PSP, please read the Firmware tutorialon this page.
  • eboot Loaders:
    This guide doesn't detail eboot loaders, which you'll need forsome of the more complicated homebrew programs out there. Thistutorial is a good first step if you want to get your feet wetin the world of PSP homebrew.
  • BadCode:
    One quick word to the wise, do notinstall anything on your PSP if you're unsure of the source. Maliciouscode can kill your PSP.