Apr 17, 2007 HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER'S STONE is a fun video game that is based on the book and movie, but can also stand alone in its own right. You explore Hogwarts, finding secret rooms and prizes while interacting with characters from the story.
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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's (Sorcerer's in the U.S.) Stone is an action-adventure video game with platform elements published by Electronic Arts. It is based on J.K Rowling's novel of the same name and the film adaptation. Philosopher's Stone was initially developed for the Game Boy Advance, Game Boy Color, Microsoft Windows and PlayStation in November 2001, and was re-made two years later for the GameCube, PlayStation 2 and Xbox in December 2003.
The story follows protagonist Harry Potter, who, after discovering he is a wizard, is sent to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where he makes friends and receives magical training, and along with his friends stop Lord Voldemort from returning to power. The game received mixed reviews. Critics commented on the game's accessible gameplay and its unimpressive graphics (2003 versions) while others said the game's license would be the only thing to draw in fans.
Harry Potter Land
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone gameplay is from a third-person perspective. The player controls the character Harry Potter from a third-person view.
In the Microsoft Windows and Macintosh versions, the game is played like a third-person action and puzzle game. The story follows a linear progression, separated into levels with a specific end goal. Spells are learned progressively via lesson levels, and unlock increasingly complex puzzles. The spells featured are as follows: The Flipendo Jinx, which can be used to stun enemies and push objects around; The Alohomora Charm, which unlocks doors and chests; Wingardium Leviosa, which can levitate objects; Lumos, which causes platforms of light to appear; Incendio, which can disable aggressive plants. The storyline follows Harry through the main elements of the book's plot, including rescuing Hagrid's dragon Norbert, advancing through the various protections around the Sorcerer's Stone, and eventually defeating Lord Voldemort. There are also several levels in which Harry can fly on a broomstick and play Quidditch - this gameplay can also be independently accessed through the start menu.
Video Review and Screenshots
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone System Requirements
- Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP
- Processor: 300 MHz
- RAM: 64MB
- Video Card: 8MB
- Hard disk space: 400 MB
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